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Peak Flow Meters
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Peak Flow Meters


These compact, portable Peak Flow Meters allow an asthmatic patient's progress to be inexpensively monitored on a daily basis at home, work, or school.

  • Help predict asthma episodes
  • Allow therapeutic intervention
  • Easily cleaned - minimal maintenance

The Mini-Wright measures the maximum flow rate in a forced exhalation- known as the peak expiratory flow (P.E.F.). After determining a patient's best P.E.F. with his/her physician, the patient self-tests daily as instructed by the physician and records the highest readings on a daily trend chart. These meters come with a PF-375 sterilizable mouthpiece with universal tapered design for both adult and pediatric use.

Conforms to the 1991 recommended technical standards by the National Asthma Education Program (NAEP), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); and is based on American Thoracic Society (ATS) Waveform 24.

Note: Children 6 years and younger, or those with excessive lung damage, should use the PF-440x low-range meter.

Product Options

Low-range Mini-Wright PFM (30-400 lpm) with Sterilizable Mouthpiece

Low-range Mini-Wright PFM (30-400 lpm) with Sterilizable Mouthpiece

Product No: PF-440X

The AFS Low-range Mini-Wright incorporates the Aerodynamic Flow System (AFS) to bring accuracy and consistency to patients with lower peak flow requirements.
This new, smaller Mini-Wright is specifically designed for younger patients. The scale is clear and easy to read.

Pricing from $350.00

Mini-Wright PFM (60-880 lpm) w/ NAEP/ATS24 SCALE

Pricing from $350.00

Available Accessories

Disposable Mouthpieces

Disposable Mouthpieces

Product No: PF-310

Amount Per Package: 500

Pricing from $65.00

Disposable Mouthpieces for Pediatrics (must be used with PF-380)

Disposable Mouthpieces for Pediatrics (must be used with PF-380)

Product No: PF-320

Amount Per Package: 500

Pricing from $65.00

Disposable Mouthpieces with One-way Valve

Disposable Mouthpieces with One-way Valve

Product No: PF-315

Amount Per Package: 200

Pricing from $120.00

Mouthpiece Adapter for Pediatric Use

Mouthpiece Adapter for Pediatric Use

Product No: PF-380

Pricing from $9.00

Universal Tapered Mouthpiece

Universal Tapered Mouthpiece

Product No: PF-375

Short Description

Pricing from $9.50