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Intramuscular Injection Simulator
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Intramuscular Injection Simulator

Product No: AB-1025

The perfect volunteer for training health care students the proper procedure for administering intramuscular injections. One buttock is shown dissected to reveal the major muscles, nerves, and vessels.

The other side offers all the bony landmarks used to identify the desired gluteal injection area, including the superior end of the femur, the posterior and anterior superior iliac spines, and the sacrum. Lateral injections in the thigh can also be demonstrated and practiced.

Skin texture, muscle texture, bone shape, and position all realistically resemble a live patient. Perforation of the tissue with a needle duplicates the feeling of administering an actual injection.

Includes syringes, teaching guide, and a carrying case.

Call 800-323-4220 to order. Purchase orders can be sent to